Performance Information
MWB Nutcracker 2024
Costume, Hair and Makeup Requirements
MWB Nutcracker 2024
Required tights and ballet shoes requirements.
Makeup Links
Advance Dancers Makeup - Video Link
Young Dancer Makeup - Video Link
Hair Links
Ballet bun for short hair - video link
Ballet bun for long hair - video link
Ballet bun with bangs - video link
Bun for Soldiers - video link
Criss-cross braids for long hair - video link
Criss-cross braids for short hair - video link
Hair for All Mice, Cookies, Toy Bear - video link
Party Girls Ringlets - video link
MWB Nutcracker 2024
AB Casting List
MWB 2024 Nutcracker
Parent Liaison List
Agreemets To Participate
Mountain West Ballet Cast Member Rules
- Continuous Ballet Training: Dancers are required to maintain their ballet training at their current Ballet School throughout the rehearsal period for this production. Rehearsals focus on choreography only. Strength, flexibility, and technique from ongoing ballet training are fundamental to each dancer's performance excellence.
- Mandatory Attendance: Attendance at all rehearsals, including staging, tech, and dress rehearsals, is non-negotiable and mandatory for all cast members. In case of absence, dancers must communicate directly with their part's teacher through phone or email, avoiding contact with MWB or the parent liaison.
- Punctuality and Dress Code: Dancers must arrive on time to all rehearsals, appropriately dressed (leotard, pink tights, ballet shoes, hair in a bun), and warmed up. MWB reserves the right to add or cancel rehearsals, with personal notifications of any changes.
- Timely Pickup: Dancers must be promptly picked up after rehearsals. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a 'babysitting' charge of $25.00.
- Respectful Behavior: Dancers and families must show respect to the Artistic Staff and all involved in the production. Disruptive behavior, excessive talking, tardiness, or noncompliance with authorized directions may lead to dismissal.
- Volunteer Service: Each family is required to contribute at least ten hours (10 hrs) of volunteer/mandatory service. Parent/volunteer assistance is crucial to the success of Mountain West Ballet productions.
- Rehearsal Privacy: All rehearsals are closed to observation without exceptions. Unauthorized individuals are not allowed backstage during rehearsals and performances. Parents are responsible for escorting dancers to the check-in area.
- Property Respect: Willful destruction of props, costumes, or scenery holds individuals fully liable under the law for replacement costs.
- Costume Care: Eating or drinking in costume or in the dressing/holding area is prohibited. Any staining or damage may require payment for the entire costume set.
- Photography and Recording Prohibition: Photography and recording of any kind are strictly prohibited during MWB rehearsals or performances. Dancers and parents agree not to capture any part of rehearsals or performances and will inform others accordingly. MWB will provide authorized photos on the website for personal memorabilia.
- Financial Policies: All fees are collected at registration. A $20 bank fee is applicable for each returned check. Audition registration fees and donations are non-refundable, while the performance fee is refundable if the dancer drops out by the specified deadline in the audition notice.
Volunteer Agreement and Release from Liability
As listed in the cast rules, each family is required to donate at least ten hours (10hrs) of service/volunteer time. Mountain West Ballet depends on volunteers to assist with all aspects of this production.
Parent or guardian agree to work for Mountain West Ballet (MWB) as a volunteer with the Nutcracker and spring ballet production. As a volunteer, I understand that I control the dates and times, the type of work and when I do the work, and that MWB is not responsible for scheduling my volunteer work. I also understand that I will not be compensated for any time spent volunteering, nor am I entitled to benefits, including employment insurance benefits upon the termination for this agreement or as a result of this service. I am aware that participation as a volunteer may require periods of standing, lifting and will require the exercise of reasonable care to avoid injury. I am voluntarily participating in this activity with knowledge of the hazards and potential dangers involved, and agree to accept any and all risks of personal injury and property damage. As consideration for volunteering for MWB, I hereby agree that I, and my assignees, heirs, guardians, and legal representatives, will not make a claim against or sue MWB or its directors, employees, agents or contractors for injury or damage resulting from the negligence, whether active or passive, or other acts, however caused, by any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, or contractors of MWB as a result of my volunteering.
Parental/Guardian Consent
I/We authorize Mountain West Ballet (MWB), through its agents to consent to medical care of the above minor entrusted to MWB care, to include any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to said minor under the general or special supervision and upon the advise of a licensed physician and surgeon; or consent to an x-ray examination, anesthetic, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to said minor by a licensed dentist. I/We further agree that I/we shall hold MWB and its agents free and harmless from any and all liabilities resulting from their active and passive negligence, but not willfulness, causing injury to the above minor child or to his property.
Publicity Release and Hold Harmless
OVER 18: I hereby authorize and give full consent to Mountain West Ballet (MWB) to write, publish and prepare articles, photographs, DVDs or videos concerning my activities in connection with MWB. MWB may use or cause to be used for commercial art advertising purpose, without limitation, reservation or compensation. I specifically waive and relinquish any and all right to video and/or sound recording of my activities described for showing to the public, and I further waive and relinquish any and all rights with respect to such distribution and showing. I certify that I am over 18 years of age and have read and fully understand the above.
Under 18: I hereby authorize and give full consent to Mountain West Ballet (MWB) to write, publish and prepare articles, photographs, DVDs or videos concerning my child's activities in connection with MWB. MWB may use or cause to be used for commercial art advertising purpose, without limitation, reservation or compensation. I specifically waive and relinquish any and all right to video and/or sound recording of my child's activities described for showing to the public, and I further waive and relinquish any and all rights with respect to such distribution and showing.
Photography and Video Policies
Mountain West Ballet prohibits video recording or photography of any type (including digital camera photography/recording and cell phone photography/recording) during any rehearsals or performances. Professional DVD recording will be available and is included as part of the participation fee. Candid photos may be taken during the production in designated areas only. Designated areas are the Green Room, holding areas, dressing room and hallways. No photos will be allowed to be taken on stage, back stage or in the auditorium at any time during the production.
Conditions for receiving the Video recording
As a condition of receipt of the DVD, the recipient agrees to not show the DVD at any public showing, on any media outlet such as the Internet or any service accessible by the Internet, or for gain without the express written consent of Mountain West Ballet. The performances contained in this DVD are protected under U.S. copyright law, and all rebroadcasts of the performances, in whole or in part, are a violation. This prohibition includes any posting, in whole or in part, on websites and social media sites, including but not limited to FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, THREADS, or YOUTUBE. Copies of the DVD can be created for archival purposes only, and not for distribution to any party. Any violation of the terms described above will result in the offender(s) being subject to attorney’s fees, criminal and civil penalties. The recipient further agrees to hold Mountain West Ballet indemnified and held harmless for any and all claims arising out of the unauthorized use of the DVD.
Photo Gallery Photo Viewing Policies
As a condition of having access to and viewing photos in the Photo Gallery on the Mountain West Ballet website, mountainwestballet.org, the person agrees to not display the photos on any media outlet such as the Internet or any service accessible by the Internet, or for gain without the express written consent of Mountain West Ballet. These photos are protected under U.S. copyright law. The prohibition includes any posting, in whole or in part, on websites such as FACEBOOK, MYSPACE, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE or any other social networking sites. Copies of the photos can only be download for personal use such as scrapbook or personal photo album. Any violation of the terms described above will result in the offender(s) being subject to attorney’s fees, criminal and civil penalties. The person further agrees to hold Mountain West Ballet indemnified and held harmless for any and all claims arising out of the unauthorized use of the photos.
Cast Members/Parents Failure to Comply Policy
- Dancers must attend all required rehearsals. Failure to attend all required rehearsals will result in the dancer being put on probation and possibly not being able to audition for the next ballet.
- Dancers 18 and older and a parent of dancers 17 and younger must complete the cast/parent orientation. Failure to attend will result in the dancer being not eligible for audition.
- Dancers’ families must serve a minimum of 10 hours with MWB. Dancer families that do not fulfill their sevice hours (including signing up for a shift but not showing up and completing the shift) will be put on probation and possible fined to cover the cost of a person covering their shift.
- Dancers must attend all scheduled costume fittings or the dancer will be put on probation. If extenuating circumstances prevent a dancer from attending a costume fitting, he/she must contact the Costume Mistress in advance of the costume fitting. Missing a fitting without notifing the Costume Mistress could possibly lead to dine paid to the costume director.
- Dancers and parents must follow the MWB photo/video rules as follows: No photos or videos may be taken in auditorium, on stage or backstage. Photos only may be taken in the holding areas and dressing rooms. These photos may be posted online but credit must be given to MWB (which means you must include this language “ Costumes copyright Mountain West Ballet (MWB)”) Photos taken by MWB and posted on MWBs website or shared online by MWB may be shared by dancers and parents, but credit must be given to MWB (which means you must include this language “Photo courtesy of Mountain West Ballet (MWB)”)
- What is probation? Probation means that during the next MWB production, the dancer will be on probation. If the dancer fails to follow another rule while on probation, he/she will not be permitted to audition for the next MWB performance. If the dancer fails to follow another rule while on probation, he/she will not be permitted to audition for the next MWB performance.