Location & Attendance

  • Venue: Mt. Jordan Middle School Theater (9351 S Mountaineer Lane (300 East).
  • Entrance for check in/out: West side, south end (dancer’s entrance only).
  • Attendance: All rehearsals and performances are mandatory.


  1. Rehearsals: Closed to parents and unauthorized persons unless scheduled as volunteers.
  2. Illness: Dancers who are ill must arrange for their alternate to perform.
  3. Photos/Videos: No photos or videos in the auditorium, backstage, or on stage. Follow MWB on Instagram and Facebook, where photos of dancers will be posted throughout rehearsals and throughout the production.  These photos and those taken in holding areas must credit MWB: “costumes copyright Mountain West Ballet” or “photo courtesy of Mountain West Ballet.”

Costume, Hair, & Makeup Requirements

  • Specific requirements are on
  • Items to be Checked off:
    • Staging: Required Leotard, tights, shoes and lip color.
    • Dress: Required Hair and makeup,
    • The adult that is doing the dancer’s hair and makeup must accompany the dancer to dress rehearsal.
  • No nail polish, earrings, or jewelry allowed.
  • Hair nets are mandatory unless style prevents.
  • Avoid bright/unusual hair colors.

Check-In/Out Procedures

  • Check-In: Use dancers’ entrance (West side, south end); arrive “performance ready.”
  • Check-Out:
  • Ages 12 and Under: Must be checked out by a parent/guardian. Siblings cannot check out these dancers.
  • Ages 13 and Older:May check themselves in and out
  • We kindly ask for your patience during check-in and check-out and that you follow the established procedures. Dancers must check in and check out for staging, tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, outreach events, and all performances.
  • Timing:
  • Act I dancers: Check out at intermission (~1 hour after start).
  • Act II dancers: Check out after the finale (~2 hours after start).
    • Finale dancers, Clara, and Fritz must stay until the end.
  • Location: Use the dancer’s entrance (far south door, west side of Mt. Jordan Middle) for check-in/out. Parents/dancers may NOT use the auditorium or hallways for access.
  • Safety: The check-in/out area is crowded after performances. Avoid using it for meet-and-greets or photos.


Entrance Guidelines:
Only dancers and scheduled volunteers are permitted past the check-in/out desk located just inside the dancers' entrance. Audience members should enter through the main entrance on the west side of Mt. Jordan Middle School (just north of the dancers' entrance) or through the south doors.

Be On Time:
Please refer to the dancer’s calendar for check-in times (call times), as these vary by Act and performance. Dancers must arrive on time. If a dancer has not checked in within 15 minutes of their call time, alternates will be called, and an alternate will perform in the late dancer’s place.

Restricted Access:
Unauthorized individuals, including parents who are not scheduled volunteers, are not allowed in the holding rooms or backstage during rehearsals or performances.

Key Dates

Saturday, Dec. 7: Staging Rehearsal (All Casts)

  • Times are posted on the website; dancers may leave after their part is done.
  • Wear regular leotard and dance clothes (no nude leotards).
  • Please keep cell phones handy, so dancers may call when they are done. 

 ***Required leotard, tights, and shoes will be checked off at Staging so bring them with you (but do not wear nude leotard and keep tights in package so color may be checked). **


Monday, Dec. 9: Tech Rehearsal (Cast B: Act I only) 6:00–9:30 PM:

  • Both Cast A and B Clara, Nephew and Fritz must attend.
  • All dancers may leave when their part is done.  Please keep cell phones handy, so dancers may call when they are done. 
  • Wear regular dance clothes—this is not a dress rehearsal. Please wear street clothes over your dance clothes to and from the theater.  Please, do not wear nude leotard.
  • Water allowed, no food.

Dress Rehearsals (Full hair, makeup & costume): Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm

Cast A: Tues, Dec. 10, 6:00 PM (Act I) / 7:00 PM (Act II)

Cast B: Wed, Dec. 11, same times.

  • Act I parts and scenes include: Candle/Apple Sellers, Party Girls, Party Boys, Party Parents, Party Scene Dolls, Drosselmeyer, Fritz, Clara, Nephew and Butler (all Party Scene parts), Baby Mice, Le Morte Mouse, King’s Mice, Lead Soldiers, Soldiers, Big Nutcracker, (all Fight Scene parts) and Sprites, Snow Corps, Snow Queen & King (all Snow Scene parts);
  • Act II parts and scenes include: Angels/Court Attendants, Lead Pages, Sugar Plum Court, Spanish, Chinese Corp and Warrior, Arabian Queen, King and Corp., Men and Women Russian, Mirliton, Bon Bons, Madame B, Waltz, Dew Drop and Sugar Plum Fairy & Cavalier.
  • Note, Clara & Fritz appear together at the end of the ballet so these dancers need to stay until the end of the Dress Rehearsals and Performances.  Also, dancers who are in the finale need to stay until the end of the Dress Rehearsals and Performances. 
  • Required make-up and hair will be checked off at Dress Rehearsals and the adult that is doing the dancer’s hair and makeup must accompany the dancer to dress rehearsal.
  • Water allowed, no food. 
  • Cast B’s Dress Rehearsal is “Share the Arts Night.” Mountain West Ballet’s “Share the Arts Night” invites organizations to bring ill, immunocompromised, and underserved children and their families to enjoy a complimentary ballet performance in a safe and welcoming environment.  



 Friday, Dec. 13- Cast A- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Saturday, Dec. 14- Cast B- Act I Call 11:00 am; Act II Call 12:00 pm; performance 12:00 pm

Saturday, Dec. 14- Cast A- Act I Call 3:30 pm; Act II Call 4:30 pm; performance 4:30 pm

Monday, Dec. 16- Cast B- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Tuesday, Dec. 17- Cast A- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Wednesday, Dec. 18- Cast B- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Thursday, Dec. 19- Cast A- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Friday, Dec. 20- Cast B- Act I Call 6:00 pm; Act II Call 7:00 pm; performance 7:00 pm

Saturday, Dec. 21- Cast A- Act I Call 11:00 am; Act II Call 12:00 pm; performance 12:00 pm

Saturday, Dec. 21- Cast B- Act I Call 3:30 pm; Act II Call 4:30 pm; performance 4:30 pm 







Notes on Performances:

  • Act I dancers may check out at intermission;
  • Act II dancers after the finale. No exceptions.
  • Bring water only; no food allowed.
  • Personal Items: Dancers may bring small games, electronics, books, etc., but they areresponsible for their own belongings at all times.
  • Valuables: Please leave valuable items, includingjewelry, at home to prevent loss or damage.


  • Act I Dancers:
    • May check out and watch Act II but must have a ticket.
    • Requirements before watching: Remove all makeup, take hair out of buns, and change into street clothes.
  • Act II Dancers:
    • Cannot watch Act I during the same performance, as their call time coincides with the start of Act I.
    • To watch the show, Act II dancers must attend a performance where they are not performing.

Thank you for following these guidelines to maintain a polished and professional presentation for our audience!

Dancers must remain in their designated dressing rooms and holding areas when not performing. Loitering backstage or in the wings is not allowed, as it poses a safety risk. The tech crew requires clear pathways to quickly and safely manage curtains, props, and stage transitions.


Includes Prologue, Party Scene, Sugar Plum Fairy, Bon Bons and Bon Bon Mouse, Spanish, and Russian;

  • Tuesday, Dec. 17(Cast A, 9:00–11:00 AM)
  • Thursday, Dec. 19 (Cast B, 9:00–11:00 AM)
  • Dancers’ parents, friends or family members are not permitted in the auditorium or backstage during Outreach.




  • Dancers and their families are expected to show respect to the Artistic Staff, cast members, and all others involved. Excessive talking, tardiness, disruption of rehearsals, or failure to follow directions from authorized individuals will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the production. Parents, please talk to your dancers about appropriate behavior and the importance of showing respect to all volunteers and fellow dancers. Disrespectful behavior is unacceptable.
  • Any person who willfully destroys props, costumes or scenery is fully liable under the law to replace them.
  • Eating or drinking in costume or in the dressing/holding area is prohibited. Costumes are expensive and usually are part of a matching set. If a costume is stained or damaged you may be required to pay to replace the entire set.

Volunteer Instructions

  • All volunteers (except boutique, ticket booth, lobby greeter and Gala volunteers) check in at the check in desk (same as the dancers).
  • Boutique, Ticket Booth, Lobby Greeter, and Gala Volunteers use the south doors of Mt. Jordan Middle School.
  • Check-In: Sign in at your designated area (boutique, ticket booth, or Gala) and collect your badge.
  • Training: Instructions will be provided upon arrival.
  • Check-Out: Return your badge when your shift ends.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Arrive on time, stay the entire shift, and do not bring guests/children.
    • If unavailable, find your own replacement (family, friend, or parent). Board members cannot provide substitutes.
  • Mom Helpers:
    • Stay until all assigned dancers check out, even if your group performs in Act I.
    • Arrive at Act I call time to supervise early check-ins.
    • Quiet activities are allowed to entertain dancers.

Thank you for your time and dedication!


  • Tickets are only available online, or if still available, at the theater box office 1 hour prior to performances.

Cast Party

  • Date/Time: Saturday, December 14, 2:00–3:00 PM.
  • Location: Cafeteria, Mt. Jordan Middle School.
  • Details:
    • Cast and crew only. Dancers receive souvenir posters (bring markers for autographs).
    • For Dancers in the 12:00 PM Matinee:
      • Dancers 12 and under must be checked out by a parent/guardian after the matinee to attend the Gala.
      • Dancers 13 and older may check themselves out after the matinee.
      • No volunteers are available to supervise dancers after the matinee ends.
    • Sibling Exception for the Gala:
      • Siblings 13+ may check out siblings 12 and under for the Gala only (not for rehearsals or other performances).
      • This exception does not apply to cousins or carpool friends.
    • Parental Responsibility: Parents are responsible for their dancers during the Gala. MWB Board Members and volunteers are not responsible.


·        Distributed as soon as available. Wear them to promote the production!


  • Hello Dancer Photography will be available at Mt. Jordan Middle School to take photos of dancers in costumes during each Cast’s performance on Saturday, December 14th.
  • Dancers do not need to sign up for a photo time.  Dancers will have photos taken after they perform.  Dancers can only have photos taken during their performance so that costumes are available for other Casts. Parents will not accompany dancers to their photos. 


  • Family/sibling photos will only be available during the following times: Cast A 2:30-3:30 pm or 6:15-6:30 pm; Cast B 11:00-11:30 am or 1:45-2:30 pm.  All other photos will be taken during the Cast’s performance.
  • Pre-Payment Required; Dancers must pre-pay for a package online (at at least 24 hours before their photo day, as well as check in at the sales table the day of photos.


Digital Video

  • Performances on December 21 (Cast A and B) will be recorded.
  • Each dancer receives a digital download of their Cast’s performance.

MWB Boutique

  • Check out the boutique before or after performances for wonderful Nutcracker themed gifts and presentation flowers for your dancer. Your support helps our productions maintain their professional quality and helps us grow!
  • Cast-a-grams: Back by popular demand, the boutique we will be offering cast-a-grams that parents, families, friends, and dancers can send to a dancer.  You can send just a note for $1 or a cast-a-gram with a flower or a trinket.  We will deliver it to them


New to the Boutique:

  • Calling all Nutcracker dancers! Get ready for a special treat! A magical traveling boutique is coming to the theater. Look for the red trolley at the Gala and other performances. We will email you the upcoming dates.

🎁 Find the perfect gift for your fellow dancers or a special memento for yourself! 🎁

With everything priced at $10 or less, you can spread holiday cheer without breaking the bank. Choose from fun "cast-a-grams" to send sweet messages to your friends or find a treasure to remember this special Nutcracker season.

Don't miss this enchanting shopping experience! Cash and cards are accepted. See you at the boutique!

Thank you for your support—this will be a fantastic production!


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